Sunday, December 30, 2018

Rodak's Writings: A Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction

As Miss Kitty squatted to pee in the dust by the side of Main Street, her modesty protected by her long black hooped skirts, gimpy Chester struggled hurriedly past her shouting, “Mister Dylan! Mister Dylan! A cowpoke’s been shot over to Fern Hill!”

Hitching up his gun belt with a pout, the Sheriff peered over the double doors of the saloon to see what all the commotion was about.

Miss Kitty having moved on, a stray mongrel hurried over to sniff at the intriguing new muddy spot, still damp despite the heat of the sun at high noon.

The sheriff now shrugged and turned back to the bar, awarding priority to his still-foaming beer.

Resigned to being ignored, Chester stood asymmetrically without, thumbing through the pages of a dog-eared paperback.

On a hilltop half a mile out of town, a nameless cowboy quietly bled out unmourned, never having drawn his trusty Colt.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Reflections: This

When I realize it was love that turned into this, I'm quite certain that "this" is hell.

Rodak's Writings: Another Poem I Don't Want to Post on Facebook

Prevention Lines

If I say
I have lost everything,
I will soon begin receiving
lists of things
I still have.

If I say
these remains
are insufficient,
I will soon be told
to get help.

If I get help,
I will soon be asked
how long I have felt
this way.

Since I lost
almost everything,
I will answer.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Rodak's Writings: a Painful Poem

If, Not When

If only I can
get you wondering
what it would be like,
despite all the speed bumps
and Do Not Enter signs
on this one-way toll road,
I will have won
some kind of dubious
and Pyrrhic victory.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Rodak's Writings: An End-Stage Poem

And Suddenly You’re Old

The records of your fuck-hungry youth
don’t spin anymore.

The eyes of young women you encounter
are the eyes of an alien race:
They make a brief taxonomic evaluation
then quickly move on.

The eyes of old women demand payment
of some long-standing debt,
for which you no longer have the currency
to satisfy.

You have watched your father --
who taught you how to swing a bat,
who taught you the words you now employ
to curse your failing body -- die without warning,
on a day that began as routine.

Then time becomes a crushed and soggy tissue,
disgusting, no longer of use.

And suddenly you’re old.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Rodak's Writings: An Orphaned Poem

I'm pissed. The first thing I posted on Facebook yesterday was the poem below. I was very happy with it. I waited all day for it to get any response at all from my FB friends. Twenty-four hours later it has still gotten none. So be it. I can play that game too. 

So, nobody--here it is again. At least on Rodak Riffs I don't expect any response:

After Duran

Finally the body says, “No mas.”
“Long enough have I endured
these constant, nagging, pains,
only to allow your ridiculous mind
a rosy cave in which to cower.

“Return you now to Platonic realms.
Or simply dissipate like the angry clouds
of a summer storm.
“I will lie me down
and let the birds, or the worms,
or the oven’s flame,
clean up after all that was substantial
during this mundane interval.
“To rot is to rest:
Disintegration is the only promise
Existenz can keep.”

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Rodak's Writings: Some More Bitter Verse


So, you think you can break my heart?

Well, maybe you can,
if first you are able to pick up
all the scattered pieces of it
and then work some kind
of jerry-rigged Jesus act,
to make it whole again.

But, honestly, I’m too old to feel much.

Best you go break a heart
that’s not already been broken.

I’d hate to see you
do your voodoo
for doo-doo.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Rodak's Writings: a Pome

Star Light, Star Bright

When things get very dark,

the fucking suckers say,

you can then look up

and see the stars.


There they are:

seductively twinkling

unreachable gems,

light dead on arrival,

celestial cockteasers.

But thanks for the thought.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Rodak's Writings: An Oldie Redux

A Good Friday/Easter Sandwich

This world is a room
to run screaming
how do we
How do we
straining to hide
the walls
under pictures
of pictures
of pictures of pictures,
venturing out
only to buy
furniture and frames:
sequentially cadenced,
staring through the sun
at dusty angles:
twitching under the moon,
gravid as windfall fruit,
in dreams
of an uncornered being
coiled ‘round
some polar secret
and vertical center:
yet chewing,
chewing and reflexively chewing:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Friday, March 30, 2018

Rodak's Writings: Good Friday - 3.30.18

Good Friday -- 3.30.18

Slouched below the gaslight,

we cast cynical shadows,

look down to question our nervous feet.

But the road is lost in dark irrelevance.

All that lies behind is time-altered or forgotten.

We are deaf to the call of any distant destination.

The word “home” no longer possesses meaning.

Some believe our God may be imprisoned there,

locked in an upstairs room

to which no survivor’s pocket holds the key.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Reflections: Happy Birthday to Me

January 23, 2018: Age 71 today

Image deleted to save face.