Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Quote(s) du Jour: Some Assembly Required

Creation is a fiction of God’s
xxx~ Simone Weil

Sometimes I come home on the double-quick, my mind so saturated with ideas and impressions that I feel I must hasten to make a few notes—for the morrow. If I have been writing, these thoughts and sensations have to do with pure irrelevancies. Useful ones, however, since they are often completed thoughts which had made themselves known in embryonic form months, even years, ago. This experience, which happens over and over, only convinces me the more that “we” create nothing, that “it” is doing it for us and through us, and that if we could really tune in, as it were, we would do as Whitman said—make our own Bibles.
xxx~ Henry Miller, Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch