Sunday, August 30, 2009

WWWtW-Watch #23: Catholic Charities?


The Legion of the Damned over at What's Wrong With the World is predictably having a field day with the death of liberal Catholic Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. One of the W4 minions (I think they call him "Frankie") felt it necessary to give additional exposure to a hatchet job by a self-righteous outfit which cynically calls itself Human Life International. As the piece in question amounts to a verbal desecration of Sen. Kennedy's corpse, I will not reiterate Frankie's incredibly poor taste by providing a link to it. As it the purpose of my WWWtW-Watch feature to expose these soi disant "Christians" for the loveless crypto-fascists that they truly are, however, I will provide this link to the relevant comments section. Hold your nose and check it out.