Friday, June 6, 2008

WWWtW-Watch #16: Letting It All Hang Out

Dedicated to the proposition that it can happen here.

Compare the central idea of this excerpt from a recent post at What's Wrong With the World...

In my estimation, Christians of the West ought to adopt the territorialist ethic of Islam: any territory falling within the compass of what once was Christendom should be considered irrevocable and inalienable, and Islamic influence therein entirely illegitimate, the Near East, for obvious prudential reasons, tragically excepted. No compromise. No quarter. We've got nowhere else to go, and we will be besieged, over the generations, if we acquiesce in the permanence of the Islamic cultural presence - because what Muslims have done in Europe, in establishing their no-go-for-Euros sharia zones, in what they will do, forever and ever, amen. The acceptance of Muslim tribal enclaves in the former Christendom is a courting of disaster, like ingesting a poison for which the body cannot develop a tolerance. the this excerpt from the Museum of Tolerance site:

From 1933 to 1939 the Nazis systematically excluded Jews from participation in German life. Jews lost their jobs, their citizenship, and their civic rights. They were isolated and cut off from society. But flight was still possible. Although the world knew the plight of the German Jews, little refuge was offered. The world watched while Nazi Germany became a testing ground for an accelerating persecution that ultimately became the epitaph for six million Jews.

We can see where this is inexorably leading us:

So I believe that I act in the spirit of the Almighty God: by defending myself against the Jew. I am fighting for the work of the Lord.

~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf. 1924