Sunday, July 8, 2018

Rodak's Writings: An Orphaned Poem

I'm pissed. The first thing I posted on Facebook yesterday was the poem below. I was very happy with it. I waited all day for it to get any response at all from my FB friends. Twenty-four hours later it has still gotten none. So be it. I can play that game too. 

So, nobody--here it is again. At least on Rodak Riffs I don't expect any response:

After Duran

Finally the body says, “No mas.”
“Long enough have I endured
these constant, nagging, pains,
only to allow your ridiculous mind
a rosy cave in which to cower.

“Return you now to Platonic realms.
Or simply dissipate like the angry clouds
of a summer storm.
“I will lie me down
and let the birds, or the worms,
or the oven’s flame,
clean up after all that was substantial
during this mundane interval.
“To rot is to rest:
Disintegration is the only promise
Existenz can keep.”