Friday, February 17, 2017

R.I.P. Feather the Wonder Cat

REST IN PEACE, my darling FEATHER (a.k.a. Daisy, a.k.a. Winky, a.k.a. the Wonder Cat)
A ritual I will dearly miss:
Every day when I came home from work, Feather would have me timed. She would be waiting at the kitchen window and begin meowing loudly and enthusiastically as soon as she could see me coming down the walk from the parking lot. I would come in the back door, reach down and pet her fuzzy little head and recite the following:
Daddy's home... Daddy's home...
Home to his cat.
And if he didn't have a cat, he wouldn't even have to come home.
But he does.So he comes right home to his little cat.
Because...she's the best cat in the whole wide world.
And he loves her!