Sunday, December 30, 2018

Rodak's Writings: A Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction

As Miss Kitty squatted to pee in the dust by the side of Main Street, her modesty protected by her long black hooped skirts, gimpy Chester struggled hurriedly past her shouting, “Mister Dylan! Mister Dylan! A cowpoke’s been shot over to Fern Hill!”

Hitching up his gun belt with a pout, the Sheriff peered over the double doors of the saloon to see what all the commotion was about.

Miss Kitty having moved on, a stray mongrel hurried over to sniff at the intriguing new muddy spot, still damp despite the heat of the sun at high noon.

The sheriff now shrugged and turned back to the bar, awarding priority to his still-foaming beer.

Resigned to being ignored, Chester stood asymmetrically without, thumbing through the pages of a dog-eared paperback.

On a hilltop half a mile out of town, a nameless cowboy quietly bled out unmourned, never having drawn his trusty Colt.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Reflections: This

When I realize it was love that turned into this, I'm quite certain that "this" is hell.

Rodak's Writings: Another Poem I Don't Want to Post on Facebook

Prevention Lines

If I say
I have lost everything,
I will soon begin receiving
lists of things
I still have.

If I say
these remains
are insufficient,
I will soon be told
to get help.

If I get help,
I will soon be asked
how long I have felt
this way.

Since I lost
almost everything,
I will answer.